Art as a Healing tool

For centuries, art has been used as a tool for communicating thoughts and ideas (Egyptians, Celtics), and for self expression, healing and freedom. Artists use this medium to express their inner worlds, the song of their soul, and to release or transmit feelings that can’t be captured in words. It can also be used to capture the wonders of the physical world, to express the subconscious, dream experiences, and other spontaneous visions. It can also be used to express pure consciousness, divine love and angelic vibrations.

Art therapy, is used to express ourselves, our emotions, our internal subconscious energies and expressions, and it can also be used to bring through the divine within and without.

Many are seeking for a deeper connection tothemselves and a deeper connection to their soul, and this is often best done without words. Words often complicate and activate the mind, but through colours, we can go deeper into the self. It can be a way of reconnecting with deeper parts of yourself.

Different colours evoke different emotions and sensations within the body and soul. Each colour has its own wave lenght, and thus holds its own frequency. and thus each colour has a different effect on each of us. Both the vibrational frequency and our cognitive association with a colour will affect how we perceieve and recieve it. For instance red is a very powerful colour, that often represents strong emotions such as anger, passion, excitement and danger. It captures our attention through the strength of its vibration, and can be stimulating and vibrant. Blue or violet, can have a calming and soothing effects on us, depending on the shade. Colours are said by some to strike resonant frquencies with certain areas of the body, and certain colours are associated with energy centres also (Chakras). Colours and sounds can stimulate the release of certain chemicals affecting our mood (green and blue are best for enhancing dopamine concentration)Colours can even be used in idioms, as their significance is recognised, ‘I see red’, ‘out of the blue’, ‘green with envy’.

Each part of the body has its own natual resonant frequency, and this is how sound healing also works. Each chakra is related with a particular sound frequency and thus that sound can be used to balance or harmonise the energy in a particu;ar chakra. e.g 396hz can be used to balance the root chakra, and red is teh colour also know to balance thhis chakra.

This form of expression is a gift accessible to all.